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The series of paintings in which this one finds its place belongs to the “art and society” theme. I called it “Our Society” because it is currently a global phenomenon.
Uniformity, conformity, consumerism, globalization … the girl’s decision to change her path against the “herd” behind her is expressed through the manifest of cutting her hair in the public square, a dramatic gesture to arouse society’s reaction. The idea is linked to women’s habit of radically changing the way they wear their hair when facing a change in their lives.
Taking this decision sharply awakes all her senses. She walks through the city barefoot because the tactile sense makes the connection with the lost primordial power that she had, taking in the change with her eyes closed.
Uniformizare, conformism, consumerism, globalizare … Hotararea fetei de a schimba directia fata de „turma” din spatele ei am exprimat-o prin gestul de a-si taia total parul in piata publica, exercitiu pe care il vad a fi unul dramatic. Ideea este legata de obiceiul femeilor de a-si schimba culoarea sau linia parului atunci cand fac o modificare radicala in viata lor.
Desculta, pentru ca tactilul reda legatura cu forta primordiala pierduta, ochii inchisi, asumarea schimbarii.
Am numit acesta serie „Our Society”, pentru ca este un fenomen prezent la nivel global.
“Our Society” series is focused on understanding human’s behavior today and the social interaction.
ID #: S-003
Sold by: Livia Geambasu / Price on Request
Title: “Silent Protest” / “Protest mut”
Series: Our Society
Year Created: 2016, 21 May
Medium / Materials: (Oil) Palette knife on canvas
Dimensions (H x W x D) cm: 80 x 80 x 2
Style: Figurative
Rarity/Quantity Available: Original, Unique.
Signed: Certificate of Authenticity provided
Location of Item: Bucharest, Romania