Music & Architecture

CONTACT: li***********@gm***.com, mob.: +40 723 052 032

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The painting from the left side was inspired by the music. The sounds can reach sharp levels and the curve can be easily identified with a violin, classical guitar or bass.

The picture on the right side is inspired by the volume of the Sydney Opera House.
Therefore, these two paintings joined in an ensemble speak of music and architecture.

ID #: A-011
Title: “Music & Architecture”
Series: Minimalist
Year Created: 2018
Medium / Materials: Acrylic on color cardboard
Technique: Brush
Dimensions (W x H x D) cm: 42 x 30 x 0.3 cm / each painting
Style: Geometric, cubism, minimalism, abstract
Framed: Need to be framed.
Rarity/Quantity Available: Original, unique, 100% hand painted
Signed: Certificate of Authenticity provided
Payment methods accepted: Bank Transfer
Shipping Options: DHL; ‘’
Package: Ships in a cardboard box
Ships from: Bucharest / Romania

Tabloul din stanga a fost inspirat de muzica. Sunetele pot atinge cote ascutite​, iar curba desenata o putem usor identifica pe vioara, chitara clasica sau contrabas.
Tabloul din dreapta este inspirat de volumul Operei din Sydney.
Prin urmare, ansamblul acestor doua tablouri vorbeste despre muzica si arhitectura.

You can click on any of the paintings below to enlarge and view the detail and impasto within the paintings.



Visual Artist

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