Free as a Butterfly

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Is in a private collection in Constanta, Romania

Freedom has many faces. In art, the freedom to create without constraints is a joy. If you let your imagination run wild without trying to satisfy everyone, the result is often surprising. In this case, I’ve changed my mind at least three times about how the painting will look, compared with the first sketch. The picture is painted in new pop art style. The colors of the wings of the butterflies are identified with a rainbow that highlights the feminine character and becomes a symbiosis of colors expressing freedom.

Libertatea are multe fete. In arta, libertatea de a crea fara constrangeri este o bucurie. Daca lasi libera imaginatia fara a incerca sa multumesti pe toata lumea, rezultatul este adesea unul surprinzator. In cazul acestui tablou, am luat de cel putin 3 ori alte decizii despre cum va avea sa arate, decat prima schita de la care am pornit. Tavloul este pictat in noul stil Pop Art. Culorile aripilor fluturilor se identifica cu un curcubeu care pune in valoare personajul feminin. Este o simbioza de culoare care exprima libertatea.

ID #: PA-005
Title: “Free as a Butterfly”
Series: Happy Life
Year Created: 2017, October
Medium / Materials: Acrylic and oil on canvas
Dimensions (H x W x D) cm: 120 x 100 x 2 cm
Style: Pop Art
Technique: Brush painted
Framed: Stretched on wooden frame. It does not need framing and is ready to be hung directly on the wall.
Rarity/Quantity Available: Original, unique, 100% hand painted.
Signed: Certificate of Authenticity provided




Visual Artist

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