Architecture-Helsinki Main Library

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ABOUT THE WORK (private collection, Bucharest – Romania)
The Helsinki University Main Library in Kaisa House was the most ambitious project of the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012, and it has shaped both the cityscape and the city’s services. The new library building complements the urban block by adding a curved brick facade, integrated within the street line formed by the adjacent buildings. The dense fenestration grid, together with the large arched openings give the library a distinct external appearance. The building represents award-winning Finnish architecture.

ID #: A-008
Title: “Architecture-Helsinki Main Library”
Series: Cityscapes
Year Created: 2018
Medium / Materials: Oil on canvas
Dimensions (H x W x D) cm: 80 x 80 x 1.5 cm
Style: Abstract
Technique: Palette knives and brush painted
Framed: Stretched on wooden frame. It does not need framing and is ready to be hung directly on the wall.
Rarity/Quantity Available: Original, unique, 100% hand painted / Not for sale
Signed: Certificate of Authenticity provided

Pictura descompune in linii si pete de culoare imaginea reala a bibliotecii principale a Universitatii din Helsinky. Am ales sa o pictez pentru compozitia fatadei: grila de ferestre rectangulare careia i se opun mari suprafete vitrate curbe. Coloristica imi apartine. Prin culoare evidentiez mai viu suprafetele.

Out-of-copyright ! Would not be made available for printing.



Visual Artist

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