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CONTACT: liviageambasu@gmail.com, mob.: +40 723 052 032
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Even for me, this painting is impossible to reproduce because I used mixed techniques combined with dripping. I’ve precisely chosen so because, by dripping, the result can be controlled only very little and what will be shown in the drawing is a surprise even for the artist.
What I saw in the result is the abstract way of butterflies leaving their cocoons, unfolding their wings and creating drawings and fascinating lines. I’ve highlighted the dynamics of the movement in a mysterious environment. I found myself seduced by the butterflies of the Danainae subfamily that camouflage through their white dots all over their body. Butterflies are associated with the world of flowers. Exotic flowers look amazing through variety, shape and colors.
You can click on any of the paintings below to enlarge and view the detail and impasto within the paintings.
ID #: A-007
Title: “Birth of Danainae Butterflies”
Series: Symbiosis
Year Created: 2017, June
Medium / Materials: Acrylic
Dimensions (H x W x D) cm: 90 x 160 x 2.5 cm
Style: Abstract
Technique: Mixed: Dripping, brush painted
Rarity/Quantity Available: Original, unique, 100% hand painted.
Signed: Certificate of Authenticity provided
Acest tablou este imposibil de reprodus, chiar si de mine, deoarece am folosit tehnici mixte combinate cu picurarea (dripping) vopselei. Am ales tocmai pentru ca prin picurarea unui mix de culori rezultatul nu poate fi controlat decat foarte putin si ceea ce se va descoperi in desen constituie o surpriza chiar si pentru pictor.
Am vazut in forma rezultata abstractizarea unor fluturi in momentul in care tocmai au parasit “coconii” si isi desfasoara aripile care descriu desene si linii fascinante. Am subliniat dinamica miscarii intr-o atmosfera misterioasa. M-am lasat sedusa de fluturii din subfamilia Danainae care se camufleaza prin aceste buline albe pe tot corpul. Fluturilor li se asociaza lumea florilor. Florile exotice arata uimitor prin varietate, forme si culori.
The carpet is a mark of the brand “Made with love Romania”. The rug is a vintage one, in a perfect condition, as an old woman kept it in her dowry chest.
Out-of-copyright ! Would not be made available for printing.