Dream Sharing

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CONTACT: li***********@gm***.com, mob.: +40 723 052 032
Out-of-copyright ! Would not be made available for printing.

MORE ABOUT THE ITEM (private collection, Bucharest – Romania)
Sharing your dreams with the one you love is an intimate, surrealistic gesture and a continuation of the dream itself.
I merged his figure with hers as a symbole of love. Because it’s dedicated to someone from my entourage, I painted what I knew she loved: white horses, birds, classical music concerts, swimming, the sea … Also, she is attracted to minimalism and sketched figures.
The piano keys on the right symbolize the music. The sound rises high and turns intro birds. The coherence of the work require that the birds compose the image of the white horses, balancing the composition and giving it roundness. Birds (sounds) go to the left of the painting where you can see pastel, rose colored, sound reverberations.
The line of the painting is minimalist, an airy composition in a large painting: 160 × 90 cm.

You can click on any of the paintings below to enlarge and view the detail and impasto within the paintings.

Dream Sharing by Livia Geambasu
ID #: C-003
Availability: Sold !
Title: “Dream Sharing”
Series: Symbiosis
Year Created: 2017, May
Medium / Materials: Acrylic
Dimensions (H x W x D) cm: 160 x 90 x 2.5 cm
Style: Abstract
Rarity/Quantity Available: Original, unique, 100% handpainted
Signed: Certificate of Authenticity provided
Location of the item: Bucharest, Romania
Impartasirea visurilor cu persoana iubita este un gest intim, suprarealist si o continuare a visarii in sine.
Am contopit figura lui cu a ei, simbolizand dragostea. Fiind un tablou dedicat unei persoane din anturajul meu, am pictat ceea ce stiam ca iubeste: caii albi, pasarile, concertele de muzica clasica, innotul , marea … Este atrasa de minimalism si siluetele schitate.

Clapele pianului din dreapta simbolizeaza muzica. Sunetele se ridica in inalt si se metamorfozeaza in pasari. Coerenta lucrarii impunea ca pasarile sa compuna imaginea cailor albi, echilibrand compozitia si dandu-i rotunjime. Pasarile (sunetele) ajung in stanga tabloului unde am prezentat intr-o culoare pastelata rose reverberatiile sunetelor.

Linia tabloului este minimalista, o compozitie aerisita intr-un tablou de dimensiuni mari: 160×90 cm.

Dream Sharing by Livia Geambasu

Dream Sharing by Livia Geambasu

Dream Sharing by Livia Geambasu

Dream Sharing by Livia Geambasu



Visual Artist

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